Inovia core values

These core values unites us.

Together, we have chosen and agreed upon five values. These are the foundation for how we perform and conduct ourselves at work. This is what we stand for.


We love creativity.

Curiousity is our reason – exploring new, questioning old and daring to fail – that´s us.


We love freedom.

We rely on each other – responsibility is key. Original ideas are born in supportive and inclusive teams.


We love what we do.

We’re ambitious and dedicated – committed to deliver better, greater and shinier than ever before!


We love celebration.

We love celebration.
Success comes from effort. Always worth noting! And we do. A lot.


We love diversity.

Unlikeness and different together makes us smarter, stronger and unstoppable!

Join us!

If you don’t find an open position that suits you, please send us your CV and a letter to, and let us know your skills.

How to get started

we'd love to have your feedback on your experience so far

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